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Fashion Illustration is the art of communicating fashion ideas in visual form derived from illustrations, drawing and painting and also known as Fashion sketches. It is used primarily by fashion designers to brainstorm their ideas into paper or computers, using digital software such as illustrators, which help them to communicate easily with their teams. and fashion sketches play a major role in designing to preview and visualize the designer's thinking and make decisions before going to real clothes to reduce waste.
Fashion Sketches - In the fashion world, new designs are presented in the form of hand-drawn sketches before they are completely cut and sewn. First you draw a croquis, a model-shaped figure that serves as a sketch base. The point is not to draw a realistic-looking figure, but a blank canvas that can display illustrations of dresses, skirts, blouses, accessories and the rest of your creations.
Fashion designer - While being a fashion designer may sound like a dream job, his role demands and his industry is competitive. As a fashion designer you will work on fashion design and clothing. You will usually specialize in one design area, such as sports clothing, children's clothing, footwear or accessories.
Fashion Illustration - Creating fashion design illustrations is one of the most important skills a fashion designer needs to convey the theme, shape, and texture of their clothing in the most efficient way. When building all the time of collection is often the essence, so it's important to precisely represent your ideas on paper - beautifully - without wasting too much effort.
Fashion artists - presented as a simple step-by-step guide to drawing modes. It is packed with the practice of making vivid sketches, illustrations, designs and inspirational photos from international fashion designers and illustrators, to enhance and clarify visually the creative process of the fashion industry received.
Fashion illustration books - Clothing pictures are an important skill used by fashion designers to visually communicate clothing design and trends. In clear and easy-to-follow points, this book further guides students through key drawing and design techniques. From the oval shape template and the basic triangle, students quickly develop along the learning curve of drawing skills to produce creative illustrations.
Fashion photography - may have had a fake illustration just moments ago, but a hand sketch is just something dead. The blogosphere is full of talented performing artists, magazine editorials, African fashion illustrations and street-style drawings and reinterpreting them by hand into strange creations.